
Great Pyramids of Giza

There are many historical sites around the world that would make anyone stop and think about their life. But for me, no other experience has put things into perspective better than the Great Pyramids of Giza (…).


From an absolute battle royale which is traffic in this city. With its constant honking, cutting-in, and switching-lanes without a moment of notice. Through a traps ridden tourist spots. With the most persistent scammers I have ever encountered in my life. To an overtly welcoming store owners, who will make you try every single one of their specialties, and listen to their entire life story, before letting you go (...).

Wadi El Rayan

I believe it’s fair to call myself an adventurous person. Countless times, I’ve been called as curious and multidisciplinary, and whether those claims hold true is for others to judge. I always thought that everyone is like that. Only later it came to me with a great surprise, and frankly, a hard-to-hide disappointment when I realized it wasn’t the case at all (...).



